Hydrangeas that love these conditions include the bigleaf ones (H.macrophylla), as well as oakleaf hydrangea (H.quercifolia) and mountain hydrangea (H.serrata). Having said that, some varieties of ...
Two hydrangea species are considered native for U.S. East Coast and suitable for U.S.D.A Hardiness Zones 5-7. They are: H. quercifolia (oakleaf hydrangea) and, H. arborescens (smooth or wild hydrangea ...
The group includes several species that fall into two distinct pruning ... If desired, you can lightly prune oakleaf, climbing, and mountain hydrangeas to shape plants after flowering is complete.
Native plants are well-suited to the local climate and have symbiotic relationships with other organisms in the area.
These tips will help you know when to grab the snips. We cover the different pruning times for old and new wood hydrangeas ...