Lady Macbeth: 'Be innocent of the knowledge dearest chuck', what knowledge is there now that I can be innocent of? Innocent, the eyes of one who sees the corpse of a king, smoothly hacked at like ...
In fact, some of the best moments are those in which Tennant’s Macbeth delivers monologues almost furtively to the camera, as though it were a confidant. By rights, we should never get this ...
One Shakespeare monologue, preferably in verse, no more than 90 seconds. Macbeth monologues are welcomed but not required. No sonnets please. Please bring a headshot and resume. You will be asked ...
Dunsinane Castle. Lady Macbeth is reading a letter from her husband. Her ambition for Macbeth is clear, but so too her concern that he is not sufficiently ruthless to take matters into his own hands.