TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Kotozakura, who will enter the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament in March as a demotion-threatened "kadoban" ozeki, has stepped up his training earlier than usual to retain sumo's ...
FUKUOKA—A day after claiming his first Emperor’s Cup, Kotozakura expressed his desire to reach a loftier goal. “I want to catch up to (the rank held by) my late grandfather as soon as ...
Ozeki Onosato maintained a share of the lead by improving to a 5-1 record Friday, the sixth day of the Spring Grand Sumo ...
FUKUOKA--Ozeki Kotozakura won his first Emperor’s Cup, besting fellow ozeki Hoshoryu on Nov. 24 on the final day of the Kyushu Grand Sumo Tournament at Fukuoka Kokusai Center. Both ozeki entered ...
But the decision to promote Hoshoryu to Yokozuna was a controversial one. He had gone 13-2 in the previous tournament, finishing as the runner-up to fellow Ozeki Kotozakura, and lost three matches ...