A handful of new studies moves the needle toward a consensus on the long-disputed question of whether insect wings evolved from legs or from the body wall, but the devil is in the details. Jef Akst ...
Insect wings, however, have no muscles or nerves. They are instead controlled by muscles located inside the body that operate a system of marionette-like pulleys within a complex hinge at the base ...
Elena Ivanova of Australia's Swinburne University of Technology and colleagues found that the nanopillars do not puncture the bacteria. The structures look more like blunted spikes when viewed on the ...
the team describe the difficulty of filming Culex Mosquitos which flap their wings through an arc of around 40 degrees at a rate of nearly 800 beats per second, 4 times faster than many insects of ...
Related: 8 of the weirdest robots in the world right now Wing flexure is the ability of an aircraft’s wing (in this case, the "bug-bots") to bend or flex. The team had to ensure that the wings of an ...
Inspired by the humble bee, robotics researchers at MIT have designed insect-sized aerial bots with a reimagined wing system that can fly for up to 1,000 seconds – 100 times more than any ...
or millipedes—insects have three pairs of jointed legs, segmented bodies, an exoskeleton, one pair of antennae, and (usually) one or two pairs of wings. Insects live in nearly every habitat ...