The gods’ answers to their questions came in ... Worship intially was communal, but as people sought meaning in life and hope for an afterlife, they were drawn to cults that stressed a more ...
The afterlife was a battle, and the dead had to fight to reach the realm of Osiris, the god of death. For this purpose, they crafted the ancient Book of the Dead, which was unearthed from an ...
Dr Willie Soon, an astrophysicist and aerospace engineer, who has worked for a long time at the Harvard and Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, has recently claimed that a mathematical formula could ...
Enjoy GORN 2's improved VR combat as you battle the five sons of the God of the Afterlife across an array of heavenly realms, with in-your-face combat so irresponsibly violent you'll check your ...
Of course, there are views on the afterlife in Judaism ... after the Messiah has come and God has judged the living and the dead. Sheol is a place of waiting where souls are cleansed and purified.
Christianity teaches that it is these types of behaviours that will be judged and that will be used to determine what happens to people in the afterlife. The Christian faith teaches that God ...