It’s a debate as old as time and has had the world’s finest intellectuals at war for years – what is better to write with, fountain pens or ballpoint pens? Okay, maybe it’s not that ...
She said women in particular enjoy using colorful inks to doodle, draw and write. This is because inks can promptly be changed, unlike their fountain pen counterparts, once the nib is washed in water.
Or brainstorming novel ideas? Put pen to paper with a writing instrument to match the occasion. Using a fountain pen may take you back to your childhood and learning to write with ink for the ...
they’re always ready to write and they don’t get all faint and skip-prone like ballpoints do. I go through phases where I’ll use a rollerball or a fountain pen for a while, but I always come ...
In a blog post, Microsoft says one of the new pens that has been added to OneNote is a Fountain Pen. When selected in the app, the company says users will be able to take digital notes with ...