In our area, the time to prepare beds for planting ferns is in the spring since all but the hardiest species die back in our ...
It used to have more fern foliage. Any ideas to get it to produce more fern leaves? — Dave S. A: Your rabbit’s foot fern is beautiful! This type of fern is fascinating, and the name is so ...
Ferns aren’t any better preserved in the fossil record than other types of plants, and so their explosion in abundance in the centuries following the asteroid’s impact suggests that “something about ...
growing as creeping spreading plants, but it is also common for them to be grown as indoor houseplants.. When asparagus fern ...
With their soft unfurling fronds, ferns are fabulous. In fact, we love them so much, we’ve filled our new Evolution Garden with them. But how much do you know about one of the earliest plants to ...
Ferns might lack flowers, but they're great plants for a shady spot. Many are evergreen and most have intricately cut leaves that are as beautiful as any bloom. Which? Gardening magazine grew a range ...