The British with them brought the chime of mechanical clocks and the rise of the “ghantaghars”—majestic clock towers that ...
A man has been charged after a protester was spotted climbing up the clock tower of Big Ben, police have said. Daniel Day, of ...
Kolkata: The clock in the Ghari Ghar, or clock tower, at the Nizamat Fort campus in Murshidabad, which also houses the ...
The Palladian-inspired clock tower, located on Halifax’s Citadel Hill ... Its clock dates back to 1911 and is believed to be ...
In 2012, Big Ben was officially renamed the Elizabeth Tower to honour Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee. Queen Victoria ...
As a man, holding a Palestinian flag, climbed the Big Ben tower, a nearby street was closed and several emergency vehicles ...
Sea, Essex, faces charges of 'intentionally or recklessly causing a public nuisance and trespassing on protected site' - ...