A 60-year-old man was arrested on Sunday, March 2 for allegedly organizing a cockfighting event after deputies found several ...
FABENS, Texas (KFOX14/CBS4) — The Fabens Airport is undergoing significant changes with two major projects in the works, but financial challenges are halting the progress on one of them.
More than a dozen roosters were seized after the arrest of an El Paso County man accused of organizing a cockfighting event.
EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) — The Fabens Independent School District mariachi program — which goes by Mariachi los Gatos Salvajes — has qualified for the Texas state championships for the third straight ...
The Annex building in Fabens, Texas caught fire early Thursday morning, Jan. 16, causing a two-hour delay for all schools district wide, according to Fabens ISD. Sound of a meteorite hitting Earth ...
FABENS, Texas (KFOX14/CBS4) — The Fabens High School mariachi band is tuning up for a significant milestone as they prepare to compete in the final phase of the UIL competition in Seguin ...
EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- El Paso Sheriff deputies arrested Isidoro Martinez Amparan for his alleged organization of an illegal cockfighting event. El Paso County Sheriff's Office Martinez Amparan ...
El Paso County sheriff's investigators arrested a 60-year-old man accused of organizing a cockfighting event in Fabens after several ... Cockfighting is illegal in Texas. CBP seizes rooster ...