It stops still, listening intently for danger; the night provides good cover, but not good enough. A fox leaps out of the shadowy blackness and in a moment the animal’s evolutionary gamble to ...
Nocturnal animals tend to have proportionally bigger eyes than humans do. They also tend to have pupils that open more widely in low light. So, at the outset, nocturnal eyes gather more light than ...
In 1895, when English photographer Paul Martin began ... Shiras’ night photography lifted the veil on the nocturnal activities of animals with National Geographic magazine dedicating almost ...
A look at some animals that are active at night, and have to remain as quiet as possible. Barn owls are seen hunting silently, while voles make very little noise to avoid detection. A bat uses its ...
It's always much quieter at night, isn't it? Most animals are tucked up asleep. But some are out and about. This barn owl is looking for its dinner. It flaps its wings very quietly so that nothing ...