(A bad one, on the other hand, can embarrass it). We've put together this list of the best, most beautiful tech company and product logos, spanning from startups to more-established companies.
Our logo API allows you to quickly lookup company logos. It's as easy as typing in a company name or ticker. Using company logos is a great way to enhance the user experience of any quote page ...
An curved arrow pointing right. When companies set out to design logos to brand their products, they often go above and beyond to create recognizable and memorable graphics. Over and over again we ...
Corporate logos often remain with companies throughout many eras of production. Over time, the meaning of the symbol at its inception gets lost. Some companies give their logos barely-noticeable ...
Benzinga offers a comprehensive suite of company logos in multiple formats. Current formats include full color, grayscale and company marks. Transparent background logos will be available in the ...
Every day consumers are confronted with countless logos, mostly unaware of how these icons are constantly transmitting a slew of messages aimed at the subconscious. "A company's logo is its ...
Do they like the revamped version or the previous look? To find out, Visual Objects surveyed 1,000 consumers in the United States on whether they prefer the new or old version of the corporate logos ...