The Advent wreath is made of four candles and a circle of branches. Before the first candle is lighted, the household gathers for this blessing. In the short days and long nights of Advent ...
At church and at home, Catholics often honor this time of year by creating an Advent wreath — a circle of greenery with four candles around it that are lit one by one on successive Sundays until ...
Some churches have an advent wreath with five candles, one for each of the four Sundays leading up to Christmas Day and one for Christmas Day itself. There are different readings on each of the ...
Advent started as a time for remembrance and a sign for Christians to be open and ready for the second coming of Christ and held to traditional items and events like a wreath with candles ...
It starts on the Sunday nearest to 30 November and ends on the fourth Sunday before 25 December. An advent wreath with four candles lit. The fifth candle is lit on Christmas day.