And tossing in some add-ins to the tub like bubble bath and Epsom salts ups the ante even more. That's because these products infuse the water with nourishing ingredients that treat skin woes ...
1 cup milk of your choice 4 green tea bags 1 cup Himalayan salt 1 tablespoon sunflower seed oil or coconut oil 1 tablespoon ...
The restorative properties of a long, hot soak have been widely extolled, which makes a luxury bath product a worthwhile indulgence – you could even frame it as a wind-down essential. From ...
Honeysticks is quickly amassing a cult-like following, and so it’s no wonder that the “perfect” crayon brand keeps adding to ...
Unwind while lathering up with Susanne Kaufmann’s immunity-boosting bubble bath that ... offering that includes a Bath & Body Soak, Bath, Body & Massage Oil, Bath Salts and the sumptuous VIEVE ...