The orange and brown regions you see in this view (above ... who did the first studies of bird brain anatomy in the 19th century, to the current view of the bird brain. Both views are also ...
The connections between distant regions of the brain are activated ... "This research not only advances our understanding of how brain anatomy shapes brain dynamics, but also explores the unique ...
MIT research finds the brain’s language-processing network also responds to artificial languages such as Esperanto and languages made for TV, such as Klingon on “Star Trek” and High Valyrian and ...
Have you ever heard someone point to a broken-down car, refrigerator, or another piece of machinery and claim, “they just don’t make them like they used to”? According to the theory of retrogenesis, ...
A recent study provided key insights into brain degeneration in DLB, which may help clinicians better monitor this ...
The insula, a deeper and less visible brain region, contributes to phonological ... with misplaced books and poorly labeled shelves. As a result, retrieving a "book" or, in this case, a word ...
Riddle me this: how can it be that reading these words activates nearly identical word-sensitive patches of the brain's visual system in you and nearly every other reader of this story? And that a ...
From this work, we now have a more complete, quantitative and definitive understanding of the relative molecular diversity of individual brain regions, the neurotransmitters and neuropeptides used ...