Following is a transcript of the video. Nic Fernandez: Hi, Leysa. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me bleach my hair at home. I'm kind of really nervous. Leysa Carrillo: This is ...
This is perhaps why Bleach London’s range of at-home products is so comprehensively thought-out when it comes to formulations ... thus minimising the damage to your hair without forgoing vibrancy and ...
She then rinsed it out and followed up with a conditioner and usual styling. Immediately after use, her hair “felt smoother and softer, with far less frizz.” It didn’t leave it “feeling ...
I no longer have bleach damage, but I do still use heat, and have noticed in the past that the ends of my hair will feel dry within minutes of me stepping out of the shower. I no longer notice ...