However, as the comic world evolved, we have seen a rise in diversity, particularly with Black superheroes. Characters like Cyborg and Black Lightning gained prominence, with some becoming iconic ...
“Celebrate Black Superheroes,” a collection from Ken’s Comic Man. Ken’s Comic Man is a local, privately-owned and operated comic and game store. The comics on display feature a range of ...
But not many readers are aware that, for a brief period exactly 20 years ago, the most overtly Jewish of all mainstream superheroes was the Black Panther. Marvel’s original Black Panther ...
Visionary filmmaker Abassi Okoro (Uncloaked) returns with a mind-blowing look into ancient African and Orisha origins of many of the Marvel and DC comic book superheroes and exposes how European ...
“I’ve written a lot of Batman, and he’s a very black and white character who thinks this is all absurd. Like, this is not how you, not anything you would do as a superhero, but this is ...