Discover the forgotten tale of Batman's lost Robin: a story of sacrifice, redemption, and the lasting impact it had on the ...
DC has a wide and varied roster of characters to pull from, yet it's undeniable that Batman takes up the lion's share of releases.
Batman is an icon. There’s really no other way to look at the character. One night, in Crime Alley, Bruce Wayne closed his ...
The Teen Titans are one of DC's premier superhero teams, boasting heroes who possess remarkable powers for their age ...
DC’s Earth One graphic novel line of the 2010’s was an enthralling, captivating, and (time-wise) frustrating DC Elseworlds ...
Jason Todd was created by Gerry Conway and Don Newton, and introduced in 1983's Batman #357, though it took several issues ...
and there’s probably no more dependable combination than James Gunn writing and directing a Batman/Superman movie. There was a time when the Teen Titans franchise was one of the biggest things ...
Today, LOLtron brings you Teen Titans Go #1, hitting stores on Wednesday, March 5th. THE TEEN TITANS GET ARTISTIC! Say it ain't so! The Titans' comic book–canceled?! Desperate for a relaunch ...