A sea turtle’s fight for survival after birth is nothing short of a miracle. This video shows part of the process, but ...
Considered one of the oldest living species on Earth, it's been a mystery where baby sea turtles go after heading ... had previously thought. We ended up realizing that these are animals that ...
Turtle hospitals and aquariums across the country are caring for sea turtles that stranded on beaches during the winter season, which is now coming to a close amid ... were up 65% over the 10 ...
Boat hits are a leading cause of sea turtle strandings and manatee injuries and deaths. A baby manatee swimming beside its mother comes to the surface to breathe, at Manatee Lagoon, a free ...
Sea turtles famously ... set out to catch baby turtles in the Gulf of Mexico. They wanted to tag them and learn more about where they go. You can hear the scientists pulling up to a patch of ...
More sea turtles than ... rate of stranded turtles in Brevard. But most (91 or 61%) were alive when found. Scientists aren't sure why so many more turtles are washing up here.