Here is an example of a body paragraph that we will analyze sentence by sentence ... he makes the logic of his argument clear to his reader through the use of effective transitions. The author inserts ...
to your argument/to previous research? Only include "need to know" information (for example, author names and relevant context). Try to put quotes "in conversation" with one another--make connections ...
Use the paragraph to provide facts and evidence to support your point, and explain how and why this supports the main point of your argument. For example: It is now less acceptable than ever to ...
In the other column, write what each paragraph is doing—for example, argument/claim/thesis, context, evidence, support, transition to new topic, recap, significance. Number the paragraphs in your ...
Example 2 is an acceptable paraphrase. Notice that this example makes it clear at the outset that the entire argument of this paragraph is from Broad. Furthermore, example 2 begins in such a way that ...
Quotations, examples, data, testimony ... The author makes sure the reader understands the main argument of the paragraph by restating it before moving on. However, the author does not simply ...