The Angels', Rangers' and Astros' New Era Overlap hats that feature a mashup of the teams' logos have been pulled from stores because those designs proved to have controversial names.
The New Era Overlap caps featured a team's uniform logo with its hat logo centered on top of it. More news: Angels Cut Reliever Who Had 2.84 ERA Last Year From Spring Roster Though the idea ...
It's gotten to the point where MLB is pulling several Overlap hats from the team stores. Earlier this week, MLB pulled the ...
New Era, long the sole supplier of MLB caps, released - and pulled - an "Overlap" design that transforms teams' names into ...
The internet had some fun with the freshly released New Era 'Overlap' hat collection Monday. The concept behind the ...
A trio of New Era baseball caps for the Angels, Astros and Rangers pulled from stores are selling on eBay for big bucks ...
The Houston Astros hat, which appears to read “Ashos,” and the Los Angeles Angels hat, which appears to read “Anaels,” are both now gone from MLBshop. The Rangers hat that was initially ...
The Rangers, Angels, and Astros have all had hats from the latest New Era collection pulled, with the Rangers hat selling for ...
Three teams in particular were the center of amusement — the Los Angeles Angels, Texas Rangers, and Houston Astros — because of the humorous and vulgar nature of the new hats. The overlap hats ...