What is considered an Active Learning Strategy? An active learning strategy is any type of activity during class (face-to-face, online, or outside of class) that engages learners in deep thought about ...
Below is a list of Active Learning Classrooms along with a brief list of teaching strategies that complement these spaces. If you would like more information about how to implement any of these ...
As one strategy, the instructor provides students with a list of items written on strips of paper for the students to sort. An instructor can also leave one step “blank” and require that students fill ...
Quick write strategies - Students reflect and write on their learning at the start or end of class. The writings can also include questions and comments about course content that they need additional ...
Copying and pasting can be a powerful learning tool, whether it involves mindless copying or mindful reuse. Here’s how to use it without compromising academic integrity ...
This video gives some more insight on both the how and the why of using the muddiest point active learning strategy. LAMP LA Terrin Bond contributed to this Active Learning Spectrum Entry. Angelo and ...
Many of the concerns listed on this webpage use technology to address problems that may arise when building in active learning. Here you will also find additional resources to help facilitate teaching ...
There are many active learning modalities informed by different teaching and learning traditions. We envision these modalities on a spectrum. This spectrum can be rearranged depending on the quality ...
Active learning creates a dynamic and inclusive classroom environment, helping students connect with the material and each other. Explore these strategies and find what works best for your course!
If you are interested in talking about active learning and how to incorporate it into your classroom, please reach out to us at [email protected]! We’d love to help you consider how to do so! We know ...
Active Learning has been referred to as many things, including “project-based learning” and “flipped classes.” The fundamental premise of active learning is the replacement of passive class time with ...
Introduction: What is Active Learning? Active learning can be defined as any strategy “that involves students in doing things and thinking about the things they are doing” (Bonwell & Eison, 1991, p.5) ...