Everybody who is somebody made an appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference this week in Maryland and that ...
A group of gay Georgia Republicans is fighting back after being told they can’t participate in a Cobb County Pride festival.
The Smyrna Pride Festival is excluding Georgia Log Cabin Republicans, saying they won't allow any group that aligns with a political party.
It is a little odd. A lot odd, actually. But no more odd than the sweet, syrupy, sugary processed icing that the folks at the Log Cabin Republicans have been trying to stuff down our throats ...
A long-time Republican strategist and former national board chair of the Log Cabin Republicans, Sarah launched Longwell Partners to engage in issues beyond partisan politics and focus on solving ...
ADMINISTRATIVE: The operational costs of running a campaign or PAC, including travel expenses, office rent and supplies, utilities, equipment, food, meetings, and administrative services such as ...